SiSoftware Sandra Engineer

Programın temel amacı bilgisayarınızı kontrol etmek ve tanımlamak Program ve size sunduğu seçenekler sayesinde donanımlarınızı (CPU,BİOS,VGA,RAM vb) test edebilir, çalışma seçeneklerini en ince ayrıntısına kadar
öğrenebilrisiniz Program yeni sürümünde yanlızca donanım özelliklerine
değil işletim sistemlerine de el atmış ve sizi isteğiniz dışında
meydana gelen yüklemelerden kurtarmayı amaçlamış durumda * Yeni
Bağlantı Sihirbazı: Uzak bilgisayarlar ile bağlantıyı yönetmek,
sunucular, Pocket PC, akıllı telefonlar ve veri tabanları Bilgisayarları analiz ederek bu özelliği kullanabilirsiniz
* Yeni Monitör ‘Ortam' Sihirbazı: Tüm monitörlerin ve bilgisayarların
çevre (Sıcaklık derecesi , fan hızı, voltaj, CPU gücü ve sistem
sıcaklığını gözleme) birimlerinin kontrolü
* Yeni Kullanabilir kişi
listesi: Yenilenmiş özellikler sayesinde artık bazı programları da
kişiselleştirebilirsiniz(Adres Desteri, Anti-Virus,
Takvim/Organizasyon, E-posta hesabı, güvenlik duvarı, Mesaj Özellikleri
ve Geçmiş Kaydı, Internet Sayfaları, Java Makinası, Medya Oynatıcısı, Yeni okunabilirler, Web Dosyaları)
* Yeni Disk Programları Ve Kütüphaneleri: Yeni eklenmiş programlar, kütüphane ve geniş bir veritabanı
* Yeni Web Editör Ayarları: Gözüken ActiveX seçenekleri ve Java sınıfları yüklemeleri
* Yeni Başlat Menüsü Ayarları: Derlenmiş ayarlar ve kullanımda kolaylık getirilmiş bir veritabanı
* Geliştirilmiş Güvenlik Bilgi & Ayarları: Artık uzaktan bir
bilgisayar veya başka bir girişle sisteminize yüklenecek programları
* Single multi-platform yüklemeleri: İçeriğinde 3 kişisel port seçeneği bulundurur Windows platform (Win32 x86, Win64 x642, Win64 IA643) uzak çözümlemeler için ise Windows CE platform (ARM Pocket PC, ARM Akıllı Telefon, x86 Standart) standartlarını barındırır
* Multi-Core Özelliği: AMD işlemcileri üzerinden tam verim almanıza
yardımcı olur ve işlemci türüne göre özel ayarları size önerir
Ürün tanımlama özelliği: Kütüphane özelliği, kütüphanesi ve aygıt
sürücüleri tümünü tanır
Windows 2000, XP ve 2003 üzerine yazabilir

for PCs, servers, PDAs1, Smart Phones1, small office/home office (SOHO)
networks and enterprise networks. SiSoftwareSandra (the System
ANalyser, Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant) is an information &
diagnostic utility. It should provide most of the information
(including undocumented) you need to know about your hardware, software
and other devices whether
hardware or software. It works along the lines of otherWindows
utilities, however it tries to go beyond them and show you more of
what's really going on. Giving the user the ability to draw comparisons
at both a high and low-level. You can get information about the CPU,
chipset, video adapter, ports, printers, sound card, memory, network,Windows internals, AGP, PCI, PCI-X, PCIe (PCI Express), database, USB, USB2, 1394/Firewire, etc.
Native ports for all major operating systems are available:
* Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista*, Longhorn* (x86)
* Windows x64 Edition XP/2003/Vista*/Longhorn* (AMD64/EM64T)
* Windows 64-bit Edition 2003/Longhorn* (IA64)
* Windows Mobile 2003/2003SE (ARM CE 4.20)
* Windows Mobile 5 (ARM CE 5.01)
* Windows Mobile 6 (ARM CE 5.02)
All major technologies are supported and taken advantage of:
* SMP - Multi-Processor
* MC - Multi-Core
* SMT/HT - Hyper-Threading
* MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3 - Multi-Media instructions
* Wireless MMX - Mobile multi-media instructions
* NUMA - Non-Uniform Memory Access
* AMD64/EM64T/x64 - 64-bit extensions to x86
* IA64 - Intel* Itanium 64-bit
What are the benefits of Sandra's Live Benchmark Ranking:
• Live access to test results
of the latest products on the market, as reviewed by established review
websites and magazines. Currently, over 600 publications use SiSoftware
products in their reviews - please see the Reviews & Benchmark
Results page for the current list of reviews.
• Live access to thousands of results submitted by other Sandra users, in addition to the hundreds of reference test results provided by SiSoftware.
• Compare the performance of your devices (or the devices you intend to purchase) in different platforms; check that they meet performance expectations.
• Find out which devices overclock the best; see how far other users have overclocked the devices you own: get the best performance for your money!
• Automatic backup and restoring of your test results: Sandra will download them automatically to a new installation, a new computer or any computer on your network.
• Form teams with your friends or colleagues and get your team to rank highest; share your test results and benefit from those of many other users. Become a part of our worldwide community.
• Open implementation: SiSoftware is working with other ranking engines and will add further support as soon as possible.
Exciting new features:
• Hundreds of new reference test results thanks to our community of Beta testers. Our thanks for all their hard work.
• Support for updated GPGPU Benchmarks: AMD Stream 1.4* and nVidia CUDA 2.2*.
Dynamic GPGPU work-load scheduler when using different GPGPU cards in
the same system or a dedicated GPGPU card in a system with integrated
graphics (IGP) when bothsupport GPGPUfeatures.
• Improved
measurement accuracy in Physical Disks, File Systems, Flash/SSD
benchmarks (0.01ms instead of 1ms): now you can measure the fastest new
SSDs and other flashdevices more accurately.
• Improved
measurement accuracy in Memory Latency, Multi-Core Efficiency
benchmarks (0.1ns instead of 1ns): now you can measure the fastest new
processors and memory sub-systems more accurately.
• VIA Nano (mobile) 64-bit processor in Windows Vista SP2*/Server 2008 SP2* and future Windows 7*/Server 2008 R2*.
• Advanced test results management, including: customisation, import/export to common file formats, download of Ranked test results and integration with Price engines to determine the best value products on the market.
Key features:
• 4 native architectures support (x86, x64/AMD64/EM64T, IA64/Itanium2, ARM).
• 2 native GPGPU platforms support (AMD CTM/STREAM1, nVidia CUDA1, future Intel).
• 3 native Graphics platforms support (DirectX 9, DirectX 10/10.1).
• 23 established benchmarking modules, 4 new to version 2009.
• Huge official hardware support through technology partners (Intel, AMD/ATI, SiS, VIA/Centaur).
• 7 charting options: combined, components, performance vs. speed/power/cost, capacity vs. power/cost charts.
• 6 language versions (English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Japanese) thanks to our Translators.
• Enhanced Sandra Lite version (free for personal/educational use)
Here are the version types, in line with industry standards:
• Sandra Lite (free for personal/educational use - no nag screens, time limit, etc.)
• Sandra Advanced (for OEMs)
• Sandra Professional (commercial)
• Sandra Engineer (commercially exploitabile)
• Sandra Enterprise (commercial)
...::Software Sandra Engineer Standard v2010::...